Our Technical Staff

Dipankar Sarma
Principal Project Associate (Instrumentation Engineer), DBT-NECAB Phase-III
About: He holds a Bachelor's degree in Instrumentation Engineering from Jorhat Engineering College,
an MBA in Safety Management from Annamalai University, and an MTech in Electronics Design and Technology
from Tezpur University. He also has accumulated three years of valuable experience in the production and maintenance
departments of the FMCG sector.
Contact: sarmadipankar65@gmail.com

Neelutpol Gogoi
Senior Project Associate (Information Technology), DBT-NECAB Phase-III
About: He holds a M.Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Hindustan University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
He has over 5 years of experience as a developer and 9 years of teaching experience (as an Assistant Profesor in the
Department of Computer Science, Moridhal College, Dhemaji). He has 14 research publications in different reputed journals.
He also has a technology patent (security related tech). His specialization includes Artificial Intelligence, Distributed System,
Big data analysis, Cyber Security, Web development etc.
Contact: neelutpol.gogoi.dbt@aau.ac.in

Unmona Sarmah
Technical Assistant, Programme III | Nov 2019 - till
Skills: Use of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, HPLC, Kjeldahl (protein estimation),
Thermocycler and
UV-VIS spectrophotometer. Quantification of soil edaphic factors such as organic carbon, total
nitrogen, mineral phosphorus, micronutrients and soil enzymes.

Joyshree sarmah
Laboratory technician
About: She is She holds a B.Sc degree in Chemistry with two years of experience in quality control under oil India Ltd
Contact: sumisharma.js@gmail.com
Ms Priyakhi Baruah
Laboratory technician
Mr Abhilash Talukdar
Laboratory technician
Mr Tridip Luson Das
Laboratory technician
Mr Manish Sonowal
Laboratory technician
Mr Palash Jyoti Mahanta
Field Assistant