Press Release
AdaptNET Webcon 2021
National Webinar on Plant Genomics
An International webcon on Climate-Smart Technologies for Agriculture and Industry: Challenges and Prospects funded by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission was jointly organized by E-labs of Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad (UASD) and Tezpur University (TEZU) with the European partners of AdaptNet programme and coordinated by the DBT-North East centre for Agricultural Biotechnology, Assam Agricultural university, Jorhat on July 28. Inaugurating the webcon, the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor and the chief guest of the webcon Dr Bidyut Chandan Deka emphasised on the need to utilize the positive aspects of Climate Change and mine the potential of Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK).
Earlier, the Indian Coordinator of AdaptNET, Dr. B. K. Sarmah, Director DBT-NECAB welcomed the Chief Guest, the European Coordinator of AdaptNET, Dr. Andreas Voloudakis from Agricultural University of Athens, Greece, dignitaries, partners in India and Europe and participants and media persons. Dr. Sarmah informed that under the AdaptNET twenty-nine scientists from India trained in Europe designed courses on climate smart agriculture and served as “master trainers” in the e-learning labs and 16 Indian students are scheduled to visit Europe post pandemic relaxations. It was highlighted that the Webcon was aimed to sketch a roadmap to translate climate-smartness at the farmers’ level in collaboration with startups and NGOs besides scientific institutions in an interdisciplinary manner. In his remarks, the European coordinator Dr. Voloudakis listed the completed goals of AdaptNET and plans ahead and hoped to visit India for the next AdaptNET meeting scheduled at AAU, Jorhat. The technical sessions were chaired by Dr. Prasanna K Pathak, Director Extension Education AAU, Dr. Debendra C Baruah, PI, AdaptNET, Tezpur University, Dr. I S Katageri, PI, AdaptNET, UASD and Dr. Arup Kumar Sarma, B P Chaliha Chair Professor of Ministry of Water Resources, IITG. Four deliberations were led by eminent national and international experts viz., Dr. Shalander Kumar, ICRISAT, Dr. Dimitrios Voloudakis, Academy of Athens, Greece, Dr. Carlo Pozzi, University of Milano, Italy, Dr. Dionissios Kalivas, Agricultural University of Athens on topics ranging from socio-economic impacts of Climate Change, management of natural resources & green energy to intervention of precision agriculture, AI, IoT and advanced molecular technologies for climate smart agriculture. A brainstorming session was also hosted where all ideas for sustainability of AdaptNET goals were shared by the scientists trained under AdaptNET, AgSpert Technologies Pvt Ltd (Start-up) and Kristir Kothia (NGO). The ceremony ended with a vote of thanks by the coordinator of the Webcon, Dr. Moloya Gohain, Project Scientist at DBT-NECAB, AAU, Jorhat.
Farmers’ Awareness Workshop Series for India@75
The DBT-North East Centre for Agricultural Biotechnology, AAU, Jorhat reaches the farmers’ fields. A series of awareness workshops have been initiated by the DBT-North East Centre for Agricultural Biotechnology, AAU, Jorhat, since November 23, 2021. The Director, DBT-NECAB, Prof. B K Sarmah appreciated the NGO Kristir Kothia for initiating the programme involving thirty women farmers at Bijoy Chapori, Majuli in two parallel workshops from Nov 23, 2021 – Dec 2, 2021 covering integrated farming towards climate-resilience under ERASMUS+ AdaptNET project, funded by the EACEA of the European Commission and the second workshop on promotion of organic farming and micro-enterprises funded by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India.
The impacts of climate change and the need for climate-resilient agricultural practices was deliberated by Dr. Moloya Gohain, Project Scientist from DBT-NECAB. Dr. Gohain is also one of the master trainers under the ERASMUS+ AdaptNET project.
A third workshop was conducted at Gabharu Ali Gaon, Nakachari, Jorhat, on November 26, 2021 for the promotion of organic agriculture. Dr. Popy Bora, Junior Scientist, Dept. of Plant Pathology, AAU, Jorhat leading the biopesticide programme of the DBT-NECAB, enlightened the farmers on the biopesticides developed at DBT-NECAB and demonstrated in their horticultural fields.
Dr. Moloya Gohain informed the farmers at Majuli and Nakachari about the evidence of climate change and challenges that plague agriculture in the regions. The village in the foothills of Gabharu Parbat was once known for their paddy and horticultural production until recently when tomato, brinjal and potato crops have been destroyed by pests. The farmers at Majuli regretted that no training was organised prior to the event and hoped that experts could help them resolve their issues.
The biopesticides developed under the DBT-NECAB were provided to the farmers with technical know-how and demonstrations. The feedback of the farmers will be collected from both Majuli and Nakachari after the trial period and a farmer database for agro-advisory is being developed at the Centre to follow up and continue the association with the farmer groups.
The Centre has also coordinated such awareness workshops through its satellite labs at Tripura, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram for promotion of organic agriculture. The programme is being sponsored by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India.
The DBT-NECAB collaborates with NGO Kristir Kothia and connects with farmers of Majuli in two parallel workshops promoting integrated farming and organic inputs for climate resilience from Nov 23, 2021. Dr. Moloya Gohain, Project Scientist, DBT-NECAB and one of the master trainers under ERASMUS+ AdaptNET, deliberates on climate change and need for resilient practices in presence Ms. Bismita Dutta, CEO, Kristir Kothia, Mr. Prodyumna Borah, MD, Kristir Kothia and core team members Mr. Bedanta Parashar and Mr. Papolu Saikia, Member, Kamalabari Xatra and thirty women farmers.
Dr. Popy Bora, Junior Scientist, Dept. of Plant Pathology, AAU and leader of Biopesticide programme of DBT-NECAB and Dr. Moloya Gohain, Project Scientist, DBT-NECAB, promote organic inputs for climate resilience on Nov 26, 2021. Farmers showed their failed harvest and infected crops in the field. Demonstrations were conducted using the technologies developed at DBT-NECAB.
Satellite Laboratories of DBT-NECAB coordinated by Dr. Thingreingam Irenaeus, Assistant Professor at College of Agriculture, Tripura and Dr. Dwipendra Thakuria, Professor at CAU, Meghalaya (bottom) join the series of Awareness Programmes for farmers for promotion of biopesticides towards organic agriculture.
Press Release: 24.07.2021
National Webinar on Plant Genomics
A webinar titled “Genomics assisted breeding for developing climate smart crops” was organised by the DBT-North East Centre for Agricultural Biotechnology (DBT-NECAB) in association with the Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat. Dr. Bidyut Kumar Sarmah, Director, DBT-NECAB welcomed the participants and the resource persons. Dr. Jaynata Deka, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, AAU appreciated the initiatives to organize a workshop on the most modern approach of breeding for the development of climate smart crop varieties. The guest of honour, Dr N K Singh, National Professor (BP Chair), ICAR-National Institute of Plant Biotechnology, New Delhi enumerated the importance and application of the subject in agriculture.
Press Release: 03.07.2021
Webinar on Microbial biopesticides organized
The DBT-North East Centre for Agricultural Biotechnology (DBT-NECAB) operating through Assam Agricultural University here in collaboration with the Department of Plant Pathology of AAU organized a national seminar on “ Microbial Biopesticides: Next Generation Preparedness”. The webinar was organized in of PM’s call on “Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava,” was funded by the Department of Biotechnology under the Central Government. The inaugural was attended by AAU Vice Chancellor Dr BC Deka as Chief Guest, Dr. SK Malhotra, Agricultural Commissioner, Union Ministry of Agiriculture and Farmers’ Cooperation, as Chairman, Dr B K Pandey, ADG(Hort. Sc), ICAR, New Delhi as guest of honour and Dr BK Sarmah, Director, DBT-NECAB as adviser of the webinar. The webinar witnessed analysis of a variety of issues related to biopestcide with presentation by renowned scholars from across the country.
Press Release: 26.04.2021
Workshop on Microbial Research
Assam Agricultural University Vice Chancellor Dr Bidyut Chandra Deka inaugurated a hybrid-mode workshop (including webinar) on “Microbial Biotechnology in Agriculture and Industry”. The workshop was a series of workshops and training programme organized from April 26-May 1, 2021 under the leadership of Prof Bidyut Kumar Sarmah, with the support of the Department of Biotechnology under Union Ministry of Science and Technology and DBT-North East Centre for Agricultural Biotechnology.
Press Release: 26.03.2019
AAU hosts international symposium on nutritional security “Towards environmental and economic sustainability”
The North East Centre for Agricultural Biotechnology (DBT-NECAB) operating through Assam Agricultural University (AAU), Jorhat organized the first international symposium on Biotechnology on Food- Nutritional Security and Organic Agriculture. The two-day long scientist meet from March 25-26, 2019 was inaugurated by AAU Vice Chancellor K M Buzarbaruah. Well known educationists and scientists including Padmashree S K Sopory, former VC of Jawaharlal Nehru University and eminent scientist Douglas Cook, Director, Feed and Future Innovation Lab of United States, were present.
Press Release: 21.11.2018
Find solution to climate change through biotechnology: AAU VC
The DBT-North East Centre for Agricultural Biotechnology, funded by Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India was inaugurated in presence of Dr. T J Higgins, an international expert in the field of Genetic Engineering from CSIRO, Canberra, Australia and chairman of the Scientific Advisory Committee, Mohd. Aslam , Advisor, DBT, GoI and T Madhan Mohan, Consulatnt Advisor, NERBPMC with an aim to find a solution to climate stress through biotechnology as it has helped to find the negative impact of climate change on agriculture. The centre will have provision of scientific exchange for students, researchers and scholars from region through which they will be trained in the developed laboratories of international standard.
Press Release: 11.03.2016
AAU Scientist awarded prestigious Norman Borlaug Chair
In a rare pursuit of excellence, an agricultural scientist from Assam Agricultural Biotechnology (AAU), Prof Bidyut Kumar Sarmah has been awarded by the Indian Council for Agricultural Research, New Delhi with the prestigious Norman Borlaug Chair. Dr. Sarmah, Director, DBT-AAU Centre and Professor, Dept of Agricultural Biotechnology was nominated by the Vice Chancellor of AAU for his pioneering research in conferring insect resistance in grain legumes using Bt-genes. He is also known name in the field of agricultural research for developing insect-resistant Bt-Chickpea which is in the process of deregulation through confined field trials.
Press Release: 16.02.2015
Sixth Workshop on “Bioinformatics for gene discovery”
The DBT-NECAB, AAU, Jorhat hold its VIth scientific workshop entitled "Bioinformatics for gene discovery" during Feb 16-20, 2015. Dr Adam Price, Professor, University of Aberdeen, Dr Alex Douglas, Senior Lecturer in Biostatistics, University of Aberdeen and Dr Anthony John Travis, Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, UK were invited as resource persons. Thirty six applicants from all over India participated in the workshop.
Press Release: 18.09.2014
Fifth Workshop on “Biotechnology Research in North East India: Present and Future”
The DBT-NECAB, AAU, Jorhat hold its VIth scientific workshop entitled "Bioinformatics for gene discovery" during Feb 16-20, 2015. Dr Adam Price, Professor, University of Aberdeen, Dr Alex Douglas, Senior Lecturer in Biostatistics, University of Aberdeen and Dr Anthony John Travis, Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, UK were invited as resource persons. Thirty six applicants from all over India participated in the workshop.
The plenary session of the workshop was held on 20th Sept’ 2014.
Press Release: 25.11.2013
Fourth Workshop on “Writing and Publishing in Scientific Journals”
The fourth workshop entitled “Writing and Publishing in Scientific Journals” got underway on Monday 25, November’ 2013 at DBT-NECAB, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat. The workshop is being seen as a benchmark being the first of its kind in the entire north-east region.
The DBT-NECAB has invited Prof. David Lindsay, Professor of Emeritus of University of Western Australia, as a resource person. Prof. Lindsay is the author of important books such as “Scientific writing: thinking in words”, “A guide to scientific writing” etc. Prof. Lindsay offers several courses in writing scientific papers and teaches scientific writing to scientists all over the world.
The workshop was officially inaugurated by Dr. G N Hazarika, the Director of Research, Assam Agricultural University and Chief Guest of todays’ programme, who in his speech underscored the significance of the workshop saying that ‘Poor writing is one of the principal reasons why many scientific papers are rejected by reviewers and hence the importance of good writing can never be over-emphasised’.

Dr. D. K. Borah, Dean, FA and guest of honour also expressed that this workshop would be able to imbibe into the scientist’s necessary communication skills that would help not only the north eastern region but also the country at large to contribute more in the agricultural arena.
In his welcome address, Prof. B. K. Sarmah, Director of the Centre, stated that the main aim of the workshop was to train the future trainer in scientific writing techniques and skills at Assam Agricultural University and other organizations of North East India. He emphasised on the fact that poor writing skills has become a barrier thus limiting the entry of several good quality research results in renowned international journals. These good quality research results end up getting published in mediocre or even sub standard journals. Thus good research becomes meaningless unless the findings are communicated in clear and interesting fashion. He also pointed that importance of correct writing is beyond just the need to communicate—it is a valuable tool to shape the thinking and doing science.
There was a huge rush from young scientists from academic and research organizations across the nation for attending the Workshop however as per suggestion of the resource person only forty participants were selected for participation in the first day while only selected eight out of them would be able to attend the entire workshop. This will help give final shape to publish some valuable research results achieved by scientists of North East India in the form of quality research papers.
Press Release: AAU Newsletter March‘ 2013
Biotechnology to Nanotechnology for the improvement in Agriculture under the DBT-NECAB
The third workshop of DBT-NECAB was held in the Dept. of Agricultural Biotechnology, AAU, during February 6th - 9th’ 2013. The workshop entitled “Biotechnology to Nanotechnology for the improvement in Agriculture” was organised with an aim to bring some of the renowned nanotechnologist and biotechnologist of international and national stature, closer to the students, researchers and scientific community of the nation as well as the North eastern region, in particular, so they can be actively engaged more in Biotechnology initiatives and coming up with new solutions that, we, as a country, have never thought before. The workshop, was inaugurated by The Registrar, Assam Agricultural University, Mrs. Krishna Gohain, who accentuated on the twin concepts of Nanotechnology and Biotechnology that holds a primary importance in the improvement of Agriculture not only to the country, but also to the world at large’. Prof. B. K. Sarmah, Director of the Centre, strongly urged the need of the theme for the workshop stating that in order to provide food and nutritional security to the fast growing population of our country both nanotechnologist and biotechnologist have to join hands and supplement the conventional technologies to find solutions to the problems encountered by the agricultural and horticultural crops.
The first talk of the workshop “What do engineers know about about Nanobiotechnology? Should Agricultural Scientists even talk to engineers?” was delivered by Dr. Achintya Bezbaruah, North Dakota State University, USA where he emphasised on how engineering and agricultural sciences can complement each other in nanotechnology research. Distinguished Professor of civil engineering, NDSU; Kalpana Katti introduced nanomaterials and their characterization tech-niques. In her presentation, Dr. Katti discussed the history and future challenges for nanotechnology research.
Dr. N Lawo travelled from Syngenta, Switzerland presented her work on “Bt-transgenic crops: Interaction of sub-lethally effected caterpillars with biological control organisms” which was an important topic in the field for development of crop resistant towards insects. Dr. P Vikram travelled from IRRI; Philippines gave lecture on “Genomic assisted MAB for Abiotic stresses and MAB for drought tolerance in rice”.

Other international experts for the workshop included the Dr. Eakalak Khan, NDSU, USA; Dr. Dinesh Katti, NDSU, USA; Dr. Harjyoti Kalita, NDSU, USA; Dr. Donna Jacob, Dr. Jose Gonzalez, SDSU, USA who delivered lectures in the workshop through Video conferencing. More than 60 participants from academic and research organizations across the nation attended the Workshop.
Press Release on: 07.02.2013
Third Workshop on “Biotechnology to Nanotechnology for the improvement in Agriculture”
The third workshop entitled “Biotechnology to Nanotechnology for the improvement in Agriculture” got underway on Wednesday 6, February’ 2013 at DBT-NECAB, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat and continue until Feb 9th.
The workshop, was officially inaugurated by The Registrar, Assam Agricultural University, Mrs. Krishna Gohain, who in a speech underscored the significance of the workshop saying that ‘the twin concepts of Nanotechnology and Biotechnology hold primary importance in the improvement of Agriculture not only to the country, but also to the world at large’.

In his welcome address, Prof. B. K. Sarmah, Director of the Centre, observed that the main aim of the workshop was to bring international and national experts working in fields of Nanotechnology and Agricultural Biotechnology, closer to the students, researchers and scientific community of the nation as well as the North eastern region, in particular, so they can be actively engaged more in Biotechnology initiatives and coming up with new solutions that, we, as a country, have never thought before. He expressed that in order to provide food and nutritional security to the fast growing population of our country both nanotechnologist and biotechnologist have to join hands and supplement conventional technologies for the solutions to the problems encountered by the agricultural and horticultural crops.
Dr. Achintya Bezbaruah, the renowned Nanoenvirologist was thrilled to see the technological advancement and initiatives taken by DBT-NECAB in the NE region.
The Workshop has drawn over 100 applications out of which over 60 participants from academic and research organizations across the nation were selected for participation. The international experts present during the opening ceremony included the; renowned nanoenvirologist Dr. Achintya Bezbaruah, NDSU, USA; Dr. N Lawo, Syngenta, Switzerland; Dr. P Vikram, IRRI, Philippines; Dr. Talal Almeelbi, UAE; Apart from them Dr. Kalpana Katti, NDSU, USA; Dr. Eakalak Khan, NDSU, USA; Dr. Dinesh Katti, NDSU, USA; Dr. Harjyoti Kalita, NDSU, USA; Dr. Donna Jacob, Dr. Jose Gonzalez, SDSU, USA will deliver lectures in the workshop through Video conferencing.

The four-day Workshop proceedings will culminate with knowledge sharing collaboration and scientific exchange between students, researchers and the scientist of the nation in general and North east region in particular.
Press Release on: 27.09.2012
Second Workshop on “Current progress and future strategy of DBT-NECAB”
The second International workshop on “Current progress and future strategy of DBT-NECAB ” was held in the department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Assam Agricultural University during Sept 26 &345; 28, 2012. Dr B K Sarmah, Director of the DBT-NECAB informed that the aim of this workshop was to bring international and national experts working in various fields of Agricultural Biotechnology, closer to the students, researchers and scientists of the University working in the field of biotechnology for a threadbare discussion. During the two days programme detailed deliberations by programme leaders of the DBT-NECAB as well as external experts will be made in the area of Gene technology, Molecular breeding, Bioprospecting, Biocontrol and Biofertilizers which are the key areas under the DBT-NECAB . The external experts included, Dr T J V Higgins, CSIRO Australia; Dr Arvind Kumar, IRRI, Philippines; Dr P A Kumar, NRCPB, New Delhi; Dr S Das, IIL, Bhubaneswar; Dr R Kaushal, Y S University of Horticulture, Himachal Pradesh. A poster competition based on post graduate research involving students from various institutes of N E region and also students from IRRI, Cameroon and Nigeria is being organized by the centre during the workshop.

Following the workshop the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting will be held on 28th Sept, 2012 Conference Room of the Honorable Vice-Chancellor, AAU, Jorhat Dr. KM Bujarbaruah, under the Chairmanship of Dr. TJV Higgins, Honorary Fellow, CSIRO, Australia and Chairman of the SAC. The meeting was co-chaired by Dr K M Bujarmaruah, honourable Vice Chancellor and Dr S P Ghosh, Senior Consultant, NERBPMC, New Delhi. The adviser from the funding organization (The DBT, Govt. of India) Dr T Madhan Mohan will also attend the meeting.
Press Release on: 28.02.2012
First Workshop on “Current progress and future strategy of DBT-NECAB”
A workshop on “Current progress and future strategy of DBT-NECAB for Agricultural Biotechnology” was held in the department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Assam Agricultural University during Feb 27 - 28, 2012. The aim of this workshop was to bring international and national experts working in various fields of Agricultural Biotechnology, especially ones that were undertaken as R&D programmes of the centre, closer to the students, researchers and scientists of the department for a threadbare discussion. During the two days programme detailed deliberations by programme leaders of the centre as well as external experts were made in the area of Gene technology, Molecular breeding, Bioprospecting, Biocontrol and Biofertilizers which are the key areas under the DBT-NECAB. The external experts included, Dr T J V Higgins and Dr Rohit Mago from CSIRO Plant Industry, Australia; Dr A Grover, Delhi University, Dr P Sar, IIT, Kharagpur, Dr H B Singh, BHU, Dr R Kaushal, Y S University of Horticulture, Himachal Pradesh.
Following the workshop the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting was held on 28th Feb, 2012 Conference Room of the Honorable Vice-Chancellor, AAU, Jorhat Dr. KM Bujarbaruah, under the Chairmanship of Dr. TJV Higgins, Honorary Fellow, CSIRO, Australia and Chairman of the SAC. The meeting was co-chaired by Dr K M Bujarmaruah, honourable Vice Chancellor and Dr S P Ghosh, Senior Consultant, NERBPMC, New Delhi. The honourable members from the funding organization (The DBT, Govt. of India) Dr T Madhan Mohan and Dr K Charak and all programme leaders also attended the meeting. Programme leaders presented the current progress of their research as per the specific milestones set for the year I and with the advice from Chair, co-chair and various members, future direction of the research was planned in the meeting. The chairman, co-chairman and members from DBT expressed their happiness with the progress being made by the centre in a one year period.