DBT- North East Centre for Agricultural Biotechnology
 dbt.necab@aau.ac.in   +91 70869 25802
Welcome to DBT- North East Center for Agricultural Biotechnology!


NoticeJoin our three-Day Hands-on Training on "Exam-Focused Training Course for Computer Skill Test (ADRE 2.0)"07-03-25
RecruitmentsWalk-in interview for the position of Project Associate(03) under the DBT-NECAB, Assam Agricultural University.12-02-25
RecruitmentsApplications are invited from the interested candidates for two positions of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and one position of Project Associate-II under the DBT, GoI funded Project entitled “Germplasm characterization, genomics analysis and gene discovery for yield, metabolite and stress tolerance in Tea” under DBT-NER-TEA programme. 13-06-2024
Notice 7 days hands-on training on Mass production of Microbial Biopesticides as an Agri-based Commercial Venture (18-25th April)27-03-24