Our Research Fellows

Dr. Subhajit Sen
Research Associate
He is working as Research Associate under the Programme III, DBT-NECAB. During his Ph.D.
he has unveil the molecular mechanism of boron tolerance in bacteria using different physiological
method and a variety of omics methods including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and
metagenomics. The results of the study have partially filled the knowledge gap regarding the
precise mechanism of boron tolerance/resistance or the molecular basis of boron toxicity in
bacteria. From the study it was also revealed that these isolates also have PGP properties,
which made them potential member of the rhizobacterial group that promotes plant growth. Future
research on this pathway will enable the researchers to clearly comprehend the agricultural applicability
of these boron-tolerant bacterial isolates. He has received DST-INSPIRE fellowship for pursuing
Ph.D. and also received University Of North Bengal Gold Medal and Silver Medal for
securing First position in First Class in Microbiology in the M.Sc and Second position in
First Class in Microbiology in the B.Sc Examination, respectively.
Email: subhajit.sen.dbt@aau.ac.in

Manjistha Baruah
Research Associate
She is working as Research Associate under the Programme III, DBT-NECAB.
Her current field is microbial biotechnology in agriculture. She is working on soil bacteria
and studying their molecular mechanism for acid tolerance. Her skills include basic microbiology
and molecular biology techniques such as DNA/RNA isolation, PCR, qPCR as well as primer designing,
bacterial mutagenesis and transformation.
Email: manjistha.baruah.adj19@aau.ac.in

Dr. Sunita Munda
Research Associate
She is a biotechnologist and a plant breeder who focuses on the genetic improvement of plants. She is PhD
in Biological Sciences from Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR, Ghaziabad, India).Her research
interest includes genetic improvement of plants, molecular diversity, plant breeding, biological activities,
essential oil of MAPs. Awarded with CSIR-SRF fellowship award. She is also serving as Co-Editor in Journal of
Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
Email: sunita.munda.dbt@aau.ac.in

Rajashree Bhuyan
Junior Research Fellow
She has joined as Junior Research Fellow. Project- 'Development of GM chickpeas protected against pod
borers'. She is a post-graduate, having earned a Dual Degree Course (B. Tech & M. Tech) in Biotechnology
from Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) University based in Patia, Bhubaneshwar,
Odisha (JULY 2017- JUNE 2022). She has done her Internship CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam (20th MAY
2019 – 24th JUNE 2019) and JMCH, Jorhat, Assam (16th DEC 2019 – 30th DEC 2019). She also has done
her dissertation / CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam (13th DEC 2021 – 13th MAY 2022)
Email: rajashreebhuyanofficial@gmail.com

Dr. Amrita Phukan
Dr. Amrita Phukan has been associated with DBT-NECAB as Research Associate under Programme IVa (Biofertilizers) since November 2018. She has gained vast knowledge in the field of Biofertilizers and its relation to soil quality parameters. Her technical skills are related to the development of efficient acid tolerant biofertilizers with promising plant growth promoting traits. Her research interest also includes compost acceleration and enrichment with microbes.