The Phytotron Facility
The Phytotron Facility has been established at the DBT-North East Centre for Agricultural Biotechnology (DBT-NECAB) in an area of about 500 sq ft. The facility is aimed to cater to research involving live-plant responses to changing environments. In the wake of the current climate-change scenario and significance of climate resilience in agriculture, the Phytotron facility is one of it’s kind in the NE region if not in the whole of east India.
The facility has been designed with a Sterilization Chamber, a Control Room, a Storage Chamber, 2 Reach-in Plant Growth Chambers, 1-Tier Arabidopsis chamber, Seed Harvesting and Threshing Chamber, 4 air-conditioned greenhouses, 1 Fan & Pad greenhouse. The facility is equipped with an independent transformer and generator for power supply. The Facility will cater to research throughout NE India and outside. The Facility has been funded by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India.
Following are the members of this committee:
Dr Salvinder Singh, Prof, ABT : In-charge
Dr Sumita Acharjee, Asst. Prof, ABT : Joint In-charge
Dr Rahul Verma, Project Scientist : Member
Dr Sudipta Sankar Bora, Project Scientist : Member
Mr Dipankar Sharma, Instrumentation Engineer : Member