
Dr. TJ Higgins
Chairman, Scientific Advisory CommitteeDr TJ Higgins is a leading researcher in plant gene technology particularly in improving nutritional value and resistance against pests and diseases. In 1967 Dr. Higgins completed his Master of Agricultural Science from National University of Ireland and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of California, USA, in 1971. Dr TJ Higgins went to Australia as a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Research School of Biological Sciences at the Australian National University, in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory. He joined CSIRO Plant Industry in 1973. Dr TJ Higgins is currently researching the application of gene technology for plant improvement. Since 1997, Dr. Higgins collaborated with AAU in several international and bilateral research projects particularly with Dr. B K Sarmah, Director, DBT-NECAB. The following major research projects have been initiated at AAU under his guidance: Mc Knight Foundation, USA Indo-Swiss Collaboration in Biotechnology Programme Indo-Australia Strategic Research Fund Through these collaborations, Chickpea with 100% protection against the devastating insect pest Pod Borer were achieved. Dr Higgins has been the recipient of a number honours and awards that includes - Peter Goldacre Award from the Australian Society of Plant Physiologists - Pharmacia-LKB Biotechnology Medal from the Australian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Fellow of the Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering - Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science.