dbt.necab@aau.ac.in   +91 70869 25802
Welcome to DBT- North East Center for Agricultural Biotechnology!

Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)

The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) is headed by the Chairman, a scientist of international repute and not an employee of the University. The Chairman oversees the activities of DBT-NECAB and advises the Project steering committee and the PIs in planning and execution of the mandated activities. The committee comprises eminent scientists from India and abroad having experience in areas related to the objectives of the centre. The SAC meets twice a year and takes an overview of work being carried out at the centre and advises the groups on the modification in the approach etc. if needed.

  • Dr T J V Higgins (Honorary fellow, CSIRO, Agriculture and Food, Canberra)

  • Dr Bidyut Chandan Deka (Vice Chancellor, AAU)

  • Dr K M Bujarbaruah (Ex Vice Chancellor, AAU)

  • Dr M Islam, Retd Adviser, DBT, GoI; Consultant DBT-ILS

  • Dr T Madhan Mohan, Former Senior Adviser, DBT, GoI : Consultant Adviser, DBT-APSCS&T Skill Vigyan Kimin, Arunachal Pradesh

  • Dr N K Singh, ICAR-National Professor (B P Pal Chair)

  • Dr Arvind Kumar, DDG (Research), ICRISAT

  • Dr M V Deshpande, Scientist (Retd.) NCL, Pune, Director, Greenvention Biotech

  • Dr M K Modi, Professor and Head, Dept. of Agricultural Biotechnology

  • Dr B K Sarmah, Director, DBT-AAU Centre