dbt.necab@aau.ac.in   +91 70869 25802
Welcome to DBT- North East Center for Agricultural Biotechnology!

World Environment Day 2024 celebration

Date: 06-06-24

Event Details:
World Environment Day was celebrated in the Department of Agricultural Biotechnology at AAU with great enthusiasm and dedication! πŸŽ‰ It was a day filled with activities aimed at fostering a deeper connection with nature and reinforcing our commitment to environmental sustainability.

The day's events kicked off with a campus cleaning drive at 10 am. Our students and faculty members rolled up their sleeves and took to the grounds, actively participating in cleaning up our beautiful campus. This activity was not just about tidying up; it was a powerful statement of our collective responsibility to keep our surroundings clean and green. 🧹🌱

Following the cleaning drive, we moved on to a meaningful plantation program within the AAU campus. Participants planted a variety of trees and plants, each one symbolizing our commitment to preserving the environment for future generations. This act of planting not only contributes to the beautification of our campus but also plays a crucial role in enhancing biodiversity and combating climate change. πŸŒ³πŸ’š

The highlight of the day was a special meeting held in honor of World Environment Day. We were privileged to have Prof. Bidyut Kumar Sarma, Director of DBT-NECAB, deliver the introductory speech. Prof. Sarma, along with our esteemed Dean and other dignitaries, shared their insightful thoughts on environmental conservation. They emphasized the importance of sustainable practices and the role each one of us can play in making a positive impact on our environment. Their speeches were both inspiring and thought-provoking, encouraging all attendees to reflect on their personal contributions to environmental preservation. πŸ—£οΈπŸŒ

The day's activities underscored the importance of community involvement in environmental initiatives. By coming together for the cleaning drive, participating in the plantation program, and engaging in discussions about sustainability, we demonstrated our collective commitment to a greener, healthier planet.

Let’s continue to work together in nurturing and protecting our environment every single day! Every small action counts, and together, we can make a significant difference. 🌱πŸ’ͺ #EnvironmentDay #AAU #Biotechnology #Sustainability #GreenInitiative

Here's to a cleaner, greener future! 🌎✨
World Environment Day 2024 celebration
World Environment Day 2024 celebration
World Environment Day 2024 celebration
World Environment Day 2024 celebration
World Environment Day 2024 celebration
World Environment Day 2024 celebration
World Environment Day 2024 celebration