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Welcome to DBT- North East Center for Agricultural Biotechnology!

Inaugural Session Recap: Plant Tissue Culture Training

Date: 26-04-24

Event Details:
The morning of April 25th, 2024, witnessed a palpable sense of excitement at DBT-NECAB, AAU, Jorhat, Assam, as the inaugural session of hands-on training in plant tissue culture techniques unfolded. This event, specifically designed for students and enthusiasts hailing from the dynamic region of Northeast India, promised an immersive dive into the intricate realm of tissue culture, offering practical experiences to enhance learning and motivate entrepreneurship.
The Director of DBT-NECAB, AAU, graced the occasion with his enlightening discourse, setting a tone of enthusiasm and curiosity for the entire training program. Delving deep into the significance of tissue culture, he underscored its indispensable role in modern agriculture, biotechnology, and research. Furthermore, he passionately highlighted the vast array of opportunities awaiting those skilled in tissue culture techniques, igniting a sense of ambition and possibility among the eager participants.
Adding to the inspirational atmosphere, the Dean of the institution delivered a stirring talk aimed at motivating the students to embrace the challenges inherent in tissue culture with dedication and resilience. His words resonated with passion and wisdom, instilling a sense of purpose and determination in the attendees.
Guiding the proceedings with expertise and vision, Dr. Manab Bikash Gogoi, the course coordinator, emphasized the overarching goal of the program – to cultivate entrepreneurial spirit among the participants. With a focus on empowering individuals to harness their skills and knowledge in tissue culture for innovative ventures, Dr. Gogoi's leadership added a crucial dimension to the training program.
Amidst this backdrop of motivation and scholarly discourse, approximately 16 enthusiastic students eagerly embarked on this enlightening journey, eager to unravel the mysteries of plant tissue culture and refine their skills under the guidance of seasoned experts.
In essence, the inaugural session of the hands-on training not only marked the beginning of a transformative journey but also underscored the program's commitment to fostering entrepreneurship and innovation in the field of plant tissue culture. With determination in their hearts and a thirst for knowledge, the participants embarked on this voyage, poised to explore the boundless realms of tissue culture and make meaningful contributions to the field.
Inaugural Session Recap: Plant Tissue Culture Training
Inaugural Session Recap: Plant Tissue Culture Training
Inaugural Session Recap: Plant Tissue Culture Training